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Wednesday 30 January 2013

World War II

World War II was a global conflict of the several powerful countries that was started in 1939 and ended in 1945. There were two opposing military alliances: the Allies and the Axis. It was the most widespread war in history, with more than 100 million people serving in military units. Nuclear weapon was used for the first time in this war in the human history. About 50 million to 80 million people lost their lives in the war. It was the most devastated war in the human history.
By the heading you can see what the blog is about. This blog is about the World War II. I have collected some of the important questions and their answers related to the war. So I think this will help you.

   1. Which country was invaded by Germany which started the war?
· Poland (invaded by Germany on 1 September, 1939 and the war begun).
         2. Which countries declared war on Germany after Germany invaded Poland?
· Britain and France (they were first allies to start the war; they declared war on Germany after  two days of Germany invasion of Poland).
         3. Who was the leader of Italy during the war?
· Benito Mussolini (when the war started he was the 27th Prime Minister of Italy).
         4. When did Japan join the Axis?
· In December of 1941.
         5. Name the principal belligerents in the war?
· The Axis powers: Germany, Italy, and Japan and the Allies: France, Great Britain, the United States, the Soviet Union, and, to a lesser extent, China.
         6. What was the name of the German Air Force in the war?
·  Luftwaffe.
         7. Name the atomic bomb dropped by the US forces in Nagasaki?
·  Fat Man (code name of the bomb).
         8. According to JST what was time when Little Boy was dropped in Hiroshima?
·  8.15 am (August 6, 1945).
         9. What was the name of the Soviet Union’s army during the war?
·  Red Army (Russian Krasnaya Armiya).
       10. Who leaded the USA as president after president Franklin D. Roosevelt died in his office in the war?
·  Harry S. Truman (33rd President of USA).
        11. When Adolf Hitler did committed suicide?
· 30 April 1945 in his Führerbunker in Berlin.
        12. When the war finally ended?
· On 2 September 1945.
        13. What was the duration of the war?
· 6 years and 1 day (1 September 1939 – 2 September 1945).


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